Wednesday, June 27, 2012

Bad Romance/Star Crossed Lovers

I've had the idea for this drawing for about the last four years after hearing the Lady Gaga song "Bad Romance,"
and I've always had a slight obsession with Shakespearian tragedies. 
*Slight note: this is not the final product, this is still a work in progress one that I am very proud of

Sunday, June 24, 2012

Macabre Musings

Going Down The Rabbit Hole

3Dimensional: anything giving the illusion of depth

Mass: a solid body of matter

"He never brought any attention to himself, he always kept to the background..."

Foreground: a scene or portion of an image closest to the viewer

Background: a scene or image behind an object in a picture, an object positioned in the back of a composition

Lets Step Back And Take Another Look

Shape: the outline or silhouette of an object         

Perspective: depicting space and volume between objects in a picture

Thursday, June 21, 2012

A Darker Forecast

Negative Space: empty space around an object

Theme: an overall tone and/or feeling

Draw The Line

Space: to separate by lines

Narrative: to tell a story

A More Positive Space

Positive Space: any space that is occupied by an object

Texture: the visual and physical feel to a surface

Tuesday, June 12, 2012


UNITY: equality on all sides, uniformed feeling throughout
FIELD: an area of emptiness with the purpose of being filled or worked in


ASYMMETRY: no equality, a feeling of disproportion

RHYTHM: a picture or beat with a uniformed solidity throughout


BALANCE: equality, equal distribution of weight
SYMMETRY: an object that is well proportioned and equal on all sides


PLANE: an area generated by a straight line moving at a constant velocity
GRID: an area of lines for reference of a region

Monday, June 11, 2012

Repeating Lines

REPETITION: a continuous series of lines or patterns

LINE: a continuous unbroken line

Thursday, June 7, 2012

100 Lines

100 Lines
Paul Tormey

Declaration of Intent

Hey, I'm Paul Tormey and this is my blog Creative Spark. Throughout the next several weeks I'm going to be showcasing various pieces of my art and design work and looking for feed back be it positive or negative.